Faculty Development Award Program
The Long Island Consortium for Interconnected Learning is a multi-faceted initiative, funded by the National Science Foundation to enhance instruction and learning in mathematics and mathematically based disciplines. The Consortium's Faculty Development Award Program provides summer stipends to faculty at member institutions for efforts to further the project's goals.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: With mathematics or quantitative applications as the central focus, the Consortium will be soliciting proposals during the Spring of 2000. Visit this page for updates.
AMOUNT OF AWARDS: Past awards have been $500 to $1000 for individual faculty and up to $2500 for a group of faculty. Amounts may be augmented by funds from home institutions. Awards are intended for summer stipends, but can also be used to purchase needed equipment (equipment funds must be matched by home institutions). The size of future awards will posted here at a later time.
PROPOSALS (up to two single-spaced pages): The proposal should identify the instructional challenges under consideration, how they are being addressed, innovative aspects of the work, as well as local and global benefits.
DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: To be announced, sometime in the Spring of 2000. (Proposals should be submitted to the local Consortium Project Director at your institution (listed in the Consortium Newsletters or on the Consortium web site at www.licil.org)
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact the local Consortium Project Directors or the Consortium Office at SUNY-Stony Brook (516) 632-7321; [email protected]
1999 AWARDS. With mathematics or quantitative applications as the central focus, the Consortium solicited proposals in the Spring of 1999 for:
- Interdisciplinary Activities/Modules/Materials (being developed by faculty from two or more departments)
- Activities/Materials Linking Institutions
- Activities to Help Colleagues Rethink the Way They Teach
The 1999 Faculty Development Awards were as follows.
A Statistical Analysis of the Teaching Effectiveness of Graphing Calculators and C.B.L.'s in University Physics Department
Peters, James Physics Department
Gelman, Donald Physics Department
Tester, Semour Physics Department
Mathematics Departmentematical Models of Biological Systems
Burns, Anne Mathematics Department
Draud, Matthew Biology Department
A Quantitatively Enriched Program for Future Teachers
Feldberg, Suzanne Mathematics Department
Stewart-Mueller, Carol Mathematics Department
Anzelone, Michael English Department
Ramsey, Wayne Multidisciplinary Science
Giordano, Julia English Department
Gutleber, Kathleen Mathematics Department
Katsavos, Anna English Department
Peltzer, Arnold Physics Department
Assessment of Quantitative Courses in the Social Sciences
Hallowel, Lyle Sociology Department
Interdisciplinary Applications of Calculus
Thomas Timchek Mathematics Department
Brown, Douglas Mathematics Department
Mathematics Across the Curriculum
Retelevski, Dorothy Mathematics Department
Schmierer, Ellen Mathematics Department
Near-Earth Objects Quantitative Exercises for Non-Science Major Students: Crater Size and
Tsunami Height
Remo, John Physics Department
Sher, David Mathematics Department
Develop Hands-On Applications of Hydrologic Principals Using Local Information
Meyland, Sarah
Mathematics and Architecture
Silverstein, Anna Mathematics Department
Problem Sets for 3909 Business Policy Seminar
Kutasovic, Paul Economics
Liu, Scott Business Administration
Spender, J.C. Dean, School of Management
The Development of a Pre-Engineering Program at Frankline Lane H.S.
Havasy, Ray Ann
Greenwald, Stan School of Engineering
To Provide an Exportable Template of an Interdisciplinary Project
Hayes, Carol Biology Department
Seppala-Holtzman, David Mathematics Department
A Technology-Infused Model Classroom: A Collaborative Project to Faciliatate Effective Teacher Preparation
Ryan, Alice Child Study Department
Implementing Technology in the Classroom and On-Line
McGrann, Loretta Academic Dean
Hessler, Mark History Department
Antonawich, Francis Biology Department
Ryan, Alice Child Study Department
Rooney, Susan Child Study Department
Training in Use of Statistics and REsearch Methodology Modules for Child Study Students and Faculty
Owens, Gretchen Child Study Department
Corr, Miriam
A Method to Enhance Optics Education
Schnal, G Physics Department
Lieberman, D. Physics Department
Conducting and Analyzing Opinion Research: An Active Coopertive Program Between Psyhcology and Statistics Courses
Kaplan, Paul Psychology Department
Brody, Linda Mathematics Department
Life by the Numbers
O'Grady, Maureen Mathematics Department
Mathematics and Nursing
Wist, Helen Nursing
McAuley, Marianne Nursing
Buck, Leslie Mathematics Department
Cassidy, James Mathematics Department Learning Center
Mathematics and the Law -- Stage II
Gusack, Russell Mathematics Department
Feinberg, Ronald Paralegal Studies
Measuring the Effect of Increasing Mathematics Department Awareness in Biology Department on Learning Styles Profiles
Sabatino, Linda Biology Department
Kisiel, Don Biology Department
O'Grady, Maureen Mathematics Department
Spreadsheet Exercises as Physics Department Homework Assignments
Warasila, Robert Physics Department
Student Use of A Computer Based, Statistical Analysis to Evaluate a Human Sexuality Survey
Clinton, Maureen Health and Human Services
Napoli, Anthony Institutional Research
A Manufacturing Based laboratory for Introductory Statistics
Tawfik, Hazem Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
Perone, Louis Mathematics Department
Enhancement of Learning and Instruction of Mathematics Departmentematically-based Modules in Sociology Department
Kirby-Diaz, Mary Sociology Department
Integrating Mathematics and Electrical Engineering Technology
Dathatri, Yelleshpur Electrical Engineering Technology
Issapour, Majaneh Electrical Engineering Technology
Kleinstein, Arlene Mathematics Department
Yang, Yajun Mathematics Department
Interactive Data Sheets for Physical Science Laboratory
Caviris, George Physics Department
Interdisciplinary Course and Workshop: Continuation, Expansion and Assessment
Chinn, Yuen Physics Department
Neymotin, Irina Mathematics Department
Introducing Students in Probability Courses to Modeling
Chrysafi, Loucas Mathematics Department
Mathematics Departmentematical Basis of Medical Diagnoses
Magliulo-Cepriano, Lucia Biology Department
Mini Learning Modules to Illustrate Linkages Between Periodic Functions Taught in Mathematics and Physics Department
Browne, John Electrical Engineering Technology
Bigliani, Raymond Physics Department
Fiorillo, John Electrical Engineering
Project Based Learning in Construction Materials Management using Operations Research Concepts
Bandyopadhyay, Amit Architecture/Construction
Shah, Mahendra Mechanical/Manufacturing
Chrysafi, Loucas Mathematics Department
Vehicular Traffic Flow Problems
Marques, Carlos Mathematics Department- Farmingdale
Bender, Michael Computer Science-Stony Brook
Lubell, Dave Mathematics Department-Adelphi
Assessment of Quantitative Reasoning/Critical Thinking Skills Across the Curriclum
Mukherji, Runi Psychology
Landy, Eileen Sociology Department
Johnson, Gretchen Teacher Education
Feder-Marcus, Maureen Comparative Humanitites
Building Diagnostic Tutorials for Mathematics in Economic Introductory Courses
DelGuidice, Thomas Economics
Collaborative Activities in the Sciences
Colon-Urban, Rita Biology Department
Nieto, Fernando Biology Department
Miranda, Kathleen Mathematics Department
Remeza, Virgilia Biology Department
Quarless, Duncan Chemistry
Computer-Based Curriculum for Social Sciences
Vaid, Naintara Sociology Department
Catchen, Harvey Sociology Department
Examining Minority Familities: A REasearch Module for Sociology Department of Minorities and Sociology Department of the Family
Eileen Landy Sociology Department
Stalin's Dilemma
The Language of Mathematics: An Initiative in Teacher Education to Integrate the Study of Mathematics and Reading
Johnson, Gretchen Teacher Education Program
O'Neill, Irma Teacher Education Program
Assessment of Learning in a Studio Calculus Course
Dellwo, David Mathematics Department and Sciences
Continued Development of Physics Department Problems and Laboratories Which Utilize Graphical, Statistical and Spreadsheet Techniques
Drago, Peter
Doumas, Jerry