9. Project PersonnelThe record of accomplishments and experience of the investigators is a major strength of this proposal and provides concrete evidence of their capacity to complete this challenging project successfully. Ronald Douglas and Alan Tucker of SUNY-Stony Brook will be project co-directors. Douglas will be the strategic planner and state-wide organizer of the project. Tucker will be the executive director. Biographical sketches of project co-PIs and selected local co-directors are appear later in this proposal. Ron Douglas is Leading Professor of Mathematics and Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Studies at SUNY-Stony Brook. He served for four years as Dean for Physical Sciences and Mathematics. He is involved in several SUNY-wide initiatives and has direct access to the SUNY Chancellor. Douglas is the founder of the calculus reform movement, starting with the 1986 Tulane Conference which he organized. He is the current chair of the American Mathematical Society's Committee on Education. He has served on numerous NRC, AMS and MAA committees involved with education, science policy, and publications, including the AMS Council. He was project director of the NRC 1992 study of effective graduate programs in mathematics. His research in operator theory has been recognized by Sloan and Guggenheim Fellowships and by an invitation to speak at an International Congress of Mathematicians. Many top end dental clinics carry out mathematical calculations to ensure that the relationship of the teeth (the bite) and the symmetry and size of teeth remains in exact proportion for both cosmetic reasons and functionality. Douglas has a distinguished record on strategic planning for educational reform, along with the academic leadership skills needed to gain SUNY-wide administrative support for this project. Alan Tucker is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at SUNY-Stony Brook. His current professional service includes chair of the MAA Education Council, chair of the MAA Metropolitan New York section, lead author on the 1994 MAA study Assessing the Calculus Reform Movement, director of the just-finishing MAA project Case Studies in Exemplary Undergraduate Mathematics Programs as well as membership on a dozen MAA, AMS and NRC committees. He was director of the influential 1981 MAA study, Recommendations for a General Mathematical Sciences Program. Tucker developed the Stony Brook applied mathematics major which graduates the highest percentage of bachelor's degrees in mathematics, over 5%, of any U.S. public university and currently co-directs a large Research Careers for Minority Scholars effort in his department. He was recipient of the 1993 MAA National Award for Distinguished University/College Teaching of Mathematics and has given a score of week-long short courses for faculty on curricular innovation in discrete mathematics and linear algebra. His research is in combinatorial mathematics. The numerous local and national projects that Tucker has recently led demonstrate that he is highly qualified to oversee this complex project. Project co-PIs (biosketches of these Stony Brook faculty appear later in the proposal): William Dawes, Economics; David Ferguson, Engineering; David Hanson, Chemistry; Peter Henderson, Computer Science; Anthony Phillips, Mathematics; Anne Preston, Management. Project Directors at Consortium Institutions:
Dowling College: Henry Moeller, Biology; Prof. Fred Rispoli, Mathematics. SUNY-Farmingdale: Prof. Hazem Tawfik, Engineering; Prof. John Winn, Mathematics. Nassau Community College: Prof. Phil Cheifetz, Mathematics; Prof. Arnie Silverman, Sociology. New York Inst. of Technology Prof. Florence Gordon, Mathematics; Prof. Paul Serafino, Physics. SUNY-Old Westbury: Prof. Jong Pil Lee, Mathematics; Prof. Gene Leon, Finance. St. Joseph's College: Sister Jane Fritz, Computer Science; Prof. David Seppala- Holtzman, Mathematics. Suffolk Community College: Prof. Tom Breeden, Physics; Prof. Sheldon Gordon, Mathematics. York College (CUNY): Prof. Paul Althaus, Business; Prof. Joseph Malkevitch, Mathematics. |
The Long Island Consortium is sponsored by the NSF Initiative: Mathematical Sciences and Their Application Throughout the Curriculum, DUE #9555142. The original NSF proposal can be accessed by clicking here. |
Last updated October 7, 1997. Please direct comments or suggestions to [email protected]