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10. Project Administration

The project administration will consist of:

  1. an Executive Director, Alan Tucker;
  2. a seven-person Executive Committee (discussed in section 4) chaired by Ron Douglas; and
  3. a six-person Advisory Committee of outside experts.

The Executive Committee will consist of Ron Douglas, Alan Tucker, one other member from SUNY-Stony Brook and four members from other campuses. Membership will be rotating, initially among local project directors at Long Island institutions and later among local project directors across New York state. The project leadership will be assisted by a full-time administrative assistant and half-time secretary to help coordinate and schedule the numerous project activities. (Most of the extensive administrative support needed for this project will be performed by local departmental staff as institutional cost-sharing.)

The Advisory Committee has leaders from industry and academia, half in mathematical sciences, half outside. Its members have been chosen for their expertise in directing large, complex undertakings of an educational or research nature. They will give guidance on the overall structure of the project as well as their professional assessment of progress towards project goals and broad policy questions. The following people have agreed to membership on the advisory board:

Andrew Gleason, Hollis Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Harvard University;

Nicholas Samios, Director of Brookhaven National Laboratory (physicist);

Lynn Steen, Professor of Mathematics, St. Olaf College and retiring Executive Director of the NRC's Mathematical Sciences Education Board;

Sheila Tobias, scientific human resources consultant;

Sheldon Weinig, Vice Chair for Manufacturing, SONY USA (material scientist);

Shmuel Winograd, Head, Mathematical Sciences Department, IBM Watson Labs.

Gleason, Samios and Winograd are members of the National Academy of Sciences, and Weinig is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. The Advisory Committee will work largely by e-mail. It will meet twice in the first year and once annually in subsequent years.

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The Long Island Consortium is sponsored by the NSF Initiative: Mathematical Sciences and Their Application Throughout the Curriculum, DUE #9555142. The original NSF proposal can be accessed by clicking here.

Last updated October 7, 1997. Please direct comments or suggestions to [email protected]