Appendix 2. Stony Brook ProfileSUNY-Stony Brook is a 32-year-old public university with special strength in quantitative disciplines. Its mathematics, physics, geology and computer science departments rank in the top 20 nationally. It also has a record of strength in undergraduate education: it is home of the Physics Teacher (the journal of the American Association of Physics Teachers), the Journal of College Science Teaching, and the Journal of Educational Technology Systems. (These journals provide a medium to help gain wide exposure of the consortium's efforts.) Its Department of Technology and Society has been a national leader in efforts to bring minorities into engineering careers and to develop engineering courses for non-engineers. The department was the National Coordinating Center for the Sloan Foundation's New Liberal Arts Program. Mathematics is well connected with all cognate disciplines at Stony Brook. The Mathematics Department is in the College of Arts and Sciences, while the Applied Mathematics Department is in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The two math departments cooperate extensively in instruction and research, with joint appointments and joint grants as well as joint teaching of first-year calculus. Twenty faculty in the natural and social sciences, engineering, computer science, business and medicine have adjunct appointments in Applied Mathematics. |
The Long Island Consortium is sponsored by the NSF Initiative: Mathematical Sciences and Their Application Throughout the Curriculum, DUE #9555142. The original NSF proposal can be accessed by clicking here. |
Last updated October 7, 1997. Please direct comments or suggestions to [email protected]