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Stony Brook Co-Project Investigators

William Dawes, Lecturer in Economics, is Economics Undergraduate Program Director. He has developed cooperative learning computer laboratories using the software system PC-Solve for a 100-student upper-division Economics course and is currently beginning implementation of similar labs for the large freshman Principles of Economics course. He is a member of the Stony Brook task force planning a minor in Quantitative Methods in Social and Behavioral Science.

David Ferguson, Professor of Technology and Society, has been involved in a wide variety of efforts to help underrepresented minorities succeed in engineering, science and mathematics. He was a member of the team developing materials for the Sloan Foundation's New Liberal Arts program. He is co-project director (with Tucker) of a large NSF Research Careers for Minority Scholars project and oversees the project's Treisman-type workshops to help minority students succeed in mathematically based disciplines. He has had numerous grants in educational technology for engineering, science and mathematics and in pre-engineering programs for minorities. He is PI for a pending SUNY Alliance for Minority Participation in Engineering involving 16 SUNY campuses.

David Hanson, Professor of Chemistry, is past chair of the Chemistry Department and a former Sloan Fellow. He has introduced cooperative learning and process skills into the 1000-student freshman general chemistry course, with support pending from the Dreyfus Foundation. The effort has substantially improved student performance as well as student morale. He was an invited participant at a recent Gordon Conference on Chemistry Education.

Peter Henderson, Professor of Computer Science, is a nationally recognized expert on interweaving mathematics into computer science instruction. He has been Computer Science Undergraduate Program Director for the past 8 years. With NSF and private funding, he has developed a Foundations of Computer Science course that focuses on mathematical problem-solving underlying computer science (no computer programming) and involves a variety of innovative software to teach problem-solving.

Anthony Phillips, Professor of Mathematics, is leading efforts to switch all calculus courses at Stony Brook over to a reformed format. He is a past Chair and past Undergraduate Program Director in Mathematics. He is heavily involved in the NSF-funded Geometry Center and spends time each summer teaching in the Center's educational program for undergraduates. He is an excellent mathematical expositor with several articles in Scientific American on his geometry research interests. He has developed an innovative course on mathematics and the arts. Under his leadership, in 1992 Stony Brook was the first major university (outside of those developing reform materials) to adopt a reform calculus text course-wide and, with NSF support, is implementing calculus reform with heavy use of cooperative learning in all versions of calculus.

Anne Preston, Associate Professor of Management, is a labor economist with a specialty in women in the scientific workforce. She is a consultant to the National Research Council's Committee on Women in Science and has undertaken studies supported by NSF and the Sloan Foundation on factors affecting women's participation in, and reasons for dropping out of, the scientific workforce. She is directing the extensive evaluation component of Stony Brook's $1,400,000 Women in Science project.

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The Long Island Consortium is sponsored by the NSF Initiative: Mathematical Sciences and Their Application Throughout the Curriculum, DUE #9555142. The original NSF proposal can be accessed by clicking here.

Last updated October 7, 1997. Please direct comments or suggestions to [email protected]